Domain Name
Why you need a Domain Name?
In the business world, domain names are becoming as common as telephone and fax numbers. If your advertisements and business cards don't display a domain name, you run the risk of being completely passed over by customers that prefer to browse merchandise and services online.
A good domain name is vital for a business.
If the name does not match your business name or slogan then it must be closely related to one or both. Your domain name must also be easy to remember so that customers do not have to work hard to find your site online. Having a registered domain name with a live Website is sometimes the first priority for a business today, because it is a very inexpensive way to get your business name and information in front of the public.
Having your own domain name and email address provides a higher level of
professionalism and trust. If you have your own domain name vs. some long
hotmail.com address it instills a higher level of integrity. If you are in
marketing or tech it also shows you understand branding and technology and the
value of SEO.
Brand Recognition and Recall
How much easier is it to remember yourname@yourname.com than bill316fl@aol.com.
More importantly, every email you send is your name. If folks can recall your
name when they think of a need they have, you are more likely to get a referral
or a sale.
Same Email Address Forever
This one is a no brainer. As I mentioned above, you can now keep your email forever even if you change your ISP or hosting provider. Your domain stays with you as long as you pay the hosting fee every year. The other added benefit is that jobs may come and go, but your personal email address will always be the same.
Search Engine Rankings
With the world of the web run by Google, Yahoo and Bing, having your own domain automatically places you higher in search engines for your name and in many cases on the first page. Assuming you can secure yourname.com. If you can’t secure a .com try .net.